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Aisha uit The Hague

Notitie (alleen voor jezelf zichtbaar)
Foto Aisha uit The Hague
  1. 30 jaar
  2. The Hague
  1. CV Aanwezig
  1. Engels Italiaans Spaans

Over Aisha

Having lived abroad since the age of 13 in 6 different countries spread across 4 different continents has nurtured a high sense of cultural awareness and adaptability. This has led me to an understanding that is multifaceted and open to new perspectives. The cultural adaptability needed to make a home out of any place has given me the necessary tools to find roots within myself and to transcend cultural barriers that would normally restrict understanding. Throughout my life I held positions that taught me some of the ethics of leadership and teaching, particularly in how to care and aid to the needs of the child you are with responsibly. From tutoring to leading oriental dance classes, to teaching arts and crafts for children aged 6-16 In the "Little Prince School" of Kibera, Nairobi, I believe that the impact you have within small communities can travel far and wide. I cherish genuine communication and teamwork (be it explicit or not) because no effort or experience is reached or lived individually, but above all, the possibility to further positive growth of the self and the community alike. I like to maintain a high degree of cordial professionalism and am able to learn fast. Having moved to the Netherlands to pursue my bachelor degree in the field of interdisciplinary arts, I strongly believe that art has the beautiful strength of connecting people across gender, age, race and culture and its benefits for the individual and its community are manifold because. I consider art as the expression of one's own vital energy. I like to promote cooperation through innate creativity, to assist children in this development through artistic engagement (yet not restricted to) and to inspire compassion and wonder with care.


yes.gif Aansprakelijkheidsverzekering
Beschikt over een Aansprakelijkheidsverzekering bedrijven (AVB). Dit dekt onder andere schade aan personen (bv. lichamelijk letsel) en schade aan zaken (bv. televisie laten vallen)

Lid van branchevereniging:

Hulpaanbod & tarieven
  1. Kinderdagverblijf: €20 - 25
    Nanny: €20 - 25
    Naschoolse opvang: €20 - 25
Kan het volgende doen:
  1. Meld je aan of login om de handelingen te bekijken.

Extra info
  1. Ja
  2. 12
  3. Nee
  4. Nee
  5. t/m 5km
  6. Nee
  7. Nee
Opleiding en ervaring
  1. Bekijk CV van Aisha
  2. 3 tot 5 jaar
  3. Installation artist Studio Tomas Saraceno
  4. Bachelor of applied arts koninklijke academie van beldeende kunsten icons/yes.gifdiploma
  5. Kinderen Pubers
  1. ma di wo do vr za zo
    ochtend jajajajajajaja
    middag jajajajajajaja
    avond jajajajajajaja
    nacht jajajajajajaja
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